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Plaza Midwood Signal Cabinets

Wrapping Plaza Midwood

By announcing, art, design, go outside, public artNo Comments
I am so thrilled that my recent signal box wrap project with the Plaza Midwood Neighborhood Association and Plaza Midwood Merchants is complete! You can now see art from eight amazing Charlotte artists (plus me!) on the traffic signal cabinets along Central Ave. and The Plaza. Let's take a walking tour, shall we? Start at the corner of Hawthorne and Central for Holly Spruck's Charlotte skyline: Head up to Clement, in front of Bistro la Bon, to see Annada Hypes' adorable illustrations: At the corner of Pecan and Central, you'll find Mo Wineman's homage to Plaza Midwood: My piece is...
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Beloved Street Art

By caught my eye, color, go outside, happy, photos6 Comments

This is making the rounds on Facebook right now — if you haven’t seen it yet, do yourself a favor and check it out. It’s a collection of amazing street art from 2011, curated by Street Art Utopia. Their site’s tagline is We declare the world as our canvas, which just makes me happy. And so grateful that these folks are out there forcing us to look at the world differently. Here are a few of my favorites, but really — go look at them all. You won’t be sorry. (Thanks for the link, Bo!)

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Branding 10,000 Lakes

By caught my eye, design, go outside

(click for bigger) Minnesota’s nickname, The Land of 10,000 Lakes, is no exaggeration: there are actually 11,842 lakes in the state. In fact, the name Minnesota comes from a Dakota word for “sky-tinted water.” So you can imagine what sort of undertaking it might be to create a logo for each and every lake in Minnesota. Yet Nicole Meyer is doing just that. And to showcase her work, she has launched Branding 10,000 Lakes. It looks like she’s done about 80 so far. And they’re all gorgeous, ranging from conceptual (like King Lake, above), to vintage (like Gull Lake, below), to just plain nice typography….

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snow day

By food, go outside4 Comments

We got a sweet little snow last night — about 3 inches worth, light and packable — that coated our world with a crisp, bright frosting. And now it’s Saturday — the perfect time to make Snow Cream with the kids! Here’s our recipe: 1 1/2 cups Milk 2 tbs Sugar 1 tsp Vanilla Whisk together in a measuring cup. Pour a little bit over a bowl of snow (we use cereal bowls) and stir until it resembles the thickness of ice cream (not too soupy). Makes 4-6 bowls, depending on how much snow you use. Yum. And fun. It’s…

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strawberry crab

By caught my eye, design, go outsideNo Comments

First of all, is this not the most adorable crab you’ve ever seen? It’s real, but doesn’t it look like a Webkinz? Or a gummy crab! I have a personal affinity for crabs, but even for you who don’t I’ll bet you’ll emit a little “aww.” This sweet thing was recently discovered off the coast of Taiwan. Secondly, it’s amazing to me that we are still discovering new species. I mean, I know about the Rainforest and everything, but still. It’s amazing.

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