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By June 18, 2006May 20th, 2009monkeys, moving

At 12:45 today, I had just finished making lunch for Zoe and Lucy when we got a call from the scheduling service that someone wanted to see our house, today, from 2:00-3:00. I was conflicted about this since (a) we’re already under contract and anything else at this point is insurance, or, gravy, and (b) Zoe seemed tired at the park this morning and I really wanted the girls to be able to take a nap today if they wanted to. Anyway, I told the people they could come from 2:30-3:30 instead, and figured we’d just put the girls to bed early tonight if necessary.

So Bob and I are tidying up (our life is a constant state of tidying these days) and I walk out of the kitchen to find this:

Zoe — stairnapster

How, I ask you, does one cope with cuteness of this magnitude?

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Mary says:

    Oh my God, is that cute!!!! I wonder if she was heading upstairs and half way up she thought, I just can’t take another step up or down??

  • Susan says:

    A girl after my heart. I definately prefer the stairnapster to the stairmaster

    Re: moments of intense cuteness. There is no way to cope. These are moments to be savored; felt fully and intensely; shared (thanks!) and remembered through all the many other moments (not to be described now, but you know what they are).

  • Laurie says:

    That’s some wise advice there, Susan. I hope I can keep that in mind through those other, unnamed, moments.

  • Showing a house when you have little kids is like torture. I hope you sell it soon, just for sanity.