Happy fourth everyone — the most eponymous holiday of the year!
Our perfect summer day so far:
- Zoe and Lucy have been happily playing in the bathtub for almost an hour — I think all their stuffed animals are getting a bath.
- Bob has just finished mowing the lawn, and all our windows are open.
- I have just finished reorganizing my dresser, completing the purging of all non-summer clothes.
- Later, we’re going to the pool.
- Then we’re going to a cookout.
- Then, fireworks. Zoe and Lucy’s first ever.
With Zoe and Lucy exhausted from camp each day, I’m not optimistic for tomorrow, since the fireworks don’t begin until 9:30 tonight (ah, the joys of daylight savings). But that’s what being a kid in the summer is all about, right? Fireworks and lightning bugs are only enjoyed after a 4¾ yr old should be in bed. Such is life. Exceptions must be made.
Happy no-more-king day to you all. Hope you get to hold fire in your hand today.
On an ancillary note, wouldn’t it be fun to aggregate all the fireworks-esque images found on blogs today and tomorrow. I’d venture to guess there are a bunch of good ones.
Happy Fourth! Enjoy the sparkles. It’s completely raining here. So we’re just going with it and pretending we’re in England. Fish, chips and Boddingtons for lunch. A toast to independence. We’re glad to be rid of you yanks.
Hello webmaster…Man i love reading your blog, interesting posts ! it was a great Friday