77%, no decaf included. And that’s after cutting out any after noon because my old ass self can’t sleep if I do! I usetacould drink a cup at 2AM while on call after being woken up, admit a patient, and fall back asleep immediately. Can’t say I miss those days, though.
I am 58% addicted.
Yup, I’m at 75% – that includes the decaf cups too.
I just love the taste!
77%, no decaf included. And that’s after cutting out any after noon because my old ass self can’t sleep if I do! I usetacould drink a cup at 2AM while on call after being woken up, admit a patient, and fall back asleep immediately. Can’t say I miss those days, though.
65%. yep. that’s me. can’t function without it.
sure,ok, but what are your chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse?
65% for me too.
Just like Jen M.
81% (clearly the addicts are those of us rushing over to take the quiz!)