FMV is back this week after a brief hiatus due to travel. (Exciting travel report coming soon.) Welcome back FMV! In keeping with the theme of late, I’m going to share with you a video I found on sk*rt. What? You haven’t heard about sk*rt yet? Go now. Then come back. We’ll wait. Dum-de-dum-de-dum. {Shuffle shuffle} Well. We don’t really have to wait right? They’re probably playing on sk*rt and won’t be back for a while. They can catch up on today’s video whenever they get back, right? Shall we on with the show? Yes, on with the show. As…
So sk*rt? Going crazy. Thanks to all of you and everyone you’ve told and all those other people. Thanks y’all! Then? On Tuesday, sk*rt got dugg on digg. Things moved slowly all day, thankfully, but then that night? It went CRAZY. By the time I shut my computer off at 4:30 in the morning, we had made it to the front page, the post had 413 diggs and sk*rt had honorably suffered the digg effect, which means our little site was shut down due to an overdose of traffic. We knew something like this was going to happen given the…
Exactly four months ago today, while the men of the country were watching the Super Bowl, and the women were watching the Super Bowl commercials, I was on the phone with three bloggers — Gabrielle, Laura, and Rebecca — and we were talking about how cool it would be if there were one spot online where we could find a variety of excellence. A portal of cool. Something like Digg, but with stories aimed less at cute techie boys and more at, well, us. Because although Digg is clearly brilliant, thirtysomething moms and twentysomething hipster girls are just not their…