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shrinky dink valentines

By design, make something, monkeys2 Comments

When you’ve got that creative, um, inclination and you’ve got Elementary School aged kids, Valentines day can be a bit of a double-edged sword. Oh the possibilities! But oh, the work to get them all made for every kid in each of your kids’ classes. This year we went Shrinky Dinks. 54 of them. Zoe and Lucy decided we would make hearts for the girls and stars for the boys. We punched holes in them all. Then added some beaded chain. Lucy and Zoe love hanging things on their book bags, and they had that in mind as we created these….

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The Waiting is the Hardest Part

By monkeys, rock the vote, thoughtsOne Comment

Welcome to the day we’ve all been waiting for! I hope you voted. And if you haven’t, there’s still time!! 2 whole hours still, even on the east coast. Stop reading now. Go vote! Then come back. We’ll wait. Here in NC we’re all very excited because we’re a battleground/toss-up state for the first time in, like, ever (or at least the first time in my ever). This is represented on projection maps with a color other than blue or red. Sometimes purple. Sometimes yellow. Sometimes light blue. Sometimes pink. We’re like a bag of Skittles. Aww, precious. Also, not…

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Why I Eyes Ya

By love thursday, monkeys, video7 Comments

Coming up for air from my self-imposed/inadvertent blogging hiatus to make sure you have seen this video: (Can’t see it? Click here.) In case you’re wondering where my head is these days, it’s a little obsessed with this video. Also, working too much. But that’s nothing new. Also. Zoe and Lucy turned 6 on Tuesday. That’s old. They start first grade on Monday. Yow. Also. 9 years ago today Bob and I had this awesome wedding thing in front of a lake in the NC mountains. I’m feeling grateful today that I get to spend my life with someone so…

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It’s very simple: we just don’t like boys

By funny ha ha, monkeys, overheard9 Comments

Yay North Carolina with your badass primary today. Go on wit’ ya bad self. Zoe and Lucy and I went to vote before school this morning, and they enthusiastically helped me push the touch-screen buttons on my electronic ballot. I would say “touch the box next to Person ABC” and they would do it, clearly delighting in their power. I saved the president choice for last, just to savor it a little — the first presidential primary in my long NC history to actually matter, and matter a lot, at that. Plus, although I knew who I was going to…

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I’ll Stop the World and Melt with You

By monkeys, thoughts6 Comments

Happy Day After Valentine’s Day friends. Hope yours was filled with love — the exact kind of love you were looking for, whatever that may be. Lucy and Zoe celebrated Friendship Day at school yesterday. Each student brought in valentine friendship cards to hand out to the other students — one for every kid in class. For Lucy that meant 23 cards. For Zoe, 22. “Heck!” I said, back when we first got the notices about Friendship Day. “Why make plain ole cards? Why not make 45 hearts out of

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Hyperbole, as spoken by 5 yr olds

By funny ha ha, monkeys, overheard8 Comments

(I) Zoe: “Mama. In school yesterday we watched a movie about Philippe Petit. Me: “Who is Philippe Petit?” Zoe: “He walked on a tightrope between two big buildings. Did you know him when you lived in New York?” Me: “Sadly, no.” Lucy: “Did you know The Snowy Day won a gold medal for best drawing? Really. It did. It’s on the book. A gold medal. It’s called the Cawldercat.” Me: “Yes. I love that book. It’s been one of my favorites since I was a little kid.” Pause. Zoe: “Philippe Petit won a Cawldercat Medal too.” + + + +…

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By monkeys, photos, thoughts8 Comments

Things have been hopping chez Upside Up — we’ve lost our first tooth!! As the 2nd of 3 possible shoes drop in the fallout from Lucy’s accident a couple of years ago, the dentist had to wiggle Lucy’s top front tooth out on Tuesday. She was very brave, and now she’s very very proud. I’ve caught her a couple of times standing in front of the mirror, smiling at herself. And she’s fascinated by the way the hole in her mouth has altered the way she speaks (or “thpeakth” as it would now be said). And the gold Sacagawea Dollar…

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Clearing house

By kirtsy, monkeys, photos, thoughts7 Comments

Whoa — where has the time gone? Life, as I believe I’ve whined before, has resembled an avalanche lately. And since my little blog carries the smallest return-on-investment of my many projects, it has been relegated to the back burner, of the neighbor’s stove, across the street, diagonally. And it’s a tiny old 2-burner stove that takes forever to heat anything, if it works at all. Which I’m not sure it does. Sorry. It isn’t you, it’s me. I swear. I’ve missed you though. And I think about you often. And I’ve been stockpiling some things I wanted to share…

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Zoe tells it like it is, part 3

By funny ha ha, monkeys, overheard6 Comments

(Third installment in an apparent series.) Lucy has just cut herself with her scissors. Bactine and Band-Aids have been applied. The tears have stopped. What remains is Lucy’s desire to hear stories about times that Bob and I have cut ourselves with scissors. I tell her about the time I cut my thumb with an x-acto knife. I tell her about the time I cut my hand with a butcher knife while slicing a bagel. Zoe tells her about the time she cut her own-own hand in her own-own town when she was chopping cucumbers with her own-own mom.* Lucy…

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