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save the world

Oh How Bright the Path Grows

By art, public art, save the world, thought provokingNo Comments
I created this piece with the fabulous Helms Jarrell for the Art of Recycling Public Art Initiative. It features street prints pulled from Enderly Park neighborhood streets, on top of collages Helms created with pages from her husband Greg's book about Enderly Park, A Riff of Love: Notes on Community and Belonging. We chose our street print locations from stories shared at Hannah Hasan's Muddy Turtle Talks. Each canvas is marked on the back with its specific location. The finished work hangs in the Bette Rae Thomas Center on Tuckaseegee. I loved working on this project with Helms and meeting folks...
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Act on that

By design, save the worldOne Comment

click for bigger My friend Ilina tagged me on Facebook today and asked me to design something to go with these words. So I did. Because as usual, this was much more fun than what I was actually supposed to be working on. If you’d like a printable version, click here to download a PDF. Now go use your powers for good.

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Vote Against!

By save the world4 Comments

If you are in North Carolina and you haven’t voted yet, please PLEASE go vote tomorrow. And please consider voting AGAINST Amendment One — a referendum so offensive to me that I am stunned that we have to even entertain this nonsense. The idea that my home state — the place I was born and where I have spent the majority of my life — believes it acceptable for us to consider adding discrimination to our Constitution is such a disappointment. I feel as if North Carolina has been cast back into the worst part of our past: The part…

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Revival Market

By announcing, design, retro vintage ephemera, save the worldNo Comments

  Friends. Texans. People who love food. I’m excited to show you something we made. It’s a logo and a website. For an amazing place: Revival Market. Revival is a locally-sourced grocer, butcher shop, coffee shop, and restaurant all wrapped up in one hip store that opened in March, in Houston. We had the great honor (and luck) of getting to design for these folks, and we couldn’t be happier with how it all turned out. Co-owners Ryan Pera (from Charlotte, y’all!) and Morgan Weber were the best kind of clients: smart, interested, opinionated and creative. No wonder the store is…

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muses: lisa albrecht

By design, happy, muses, save the world6 Comments

Way back in 2008 I met someone who changed my life for the better. Kirtsy was throwing a party with Guy Kawasaki, at his house. We had spent the past 3 days toiling in the sun, stuffing swag bags, arranging tables, organizing shuttles and managing preparations for a party that was as grand as any of our weddings. Finally we all disappeared into the hidden corners of Guy’s house to change into our party clothes. The transformation when we all emerged was glorious. Everyone was sun-kissed, flushed with excitement and beautiful. As we walked around reveling in our creation, I…

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haiti, one week later

By history, news, photos, save the worldOne Comment

Haiti remains a place of profound need, anguish, desperation and danger, with a few glimmers of hope and slowly growing capabilities to receive and distribute the international aid now flowing in. Sporadic looting, sometimes violent, was met with force by security officials and ordinary citizens, resulting in a number of further deaths and injuries. The tenuous security situation has led to at least one temporary evacuation of a medical facility, to protect the care-givers. Despite the long time since the earthquake, at least five people were pulled from the rubble alive this weekend, including a young girl trapped inside a…

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custom sigg bottles

By clever, design, save the worldNo Comments

We love our Sigg bottles. Not only do they help save the world by reducing plastic bottle waste, but they look cool too, thanks to the great designs and cool metal bottles. But if you’re still left wanting more better design, look no further. Sigg has apparently partnered with Café Press to enable you to customize your own Sigg bottle. You can upload images, type in your own text and then see the bottle in a variety of action shots. Awesome. Customize your Sigg bottle here.

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