Have you ever found yourself with an old cutting board whose cuts and grooves are too deep for comfort? Why not upcycle the cutting board into a serving tray? It’s easy to do, and looks amazing.
Have you ever found yourself with an old cutting board whose cuts and grooves are too deep for comfort? Why not upcycle the cutting board into a serving tray? It’s easy to do, and looks amazing.
You’ve got lots of gifts to give this holiday, but not lots of time to wrap them all. Here are some simple tricks to make your gift wrapping look great!
I decided to design a custom phone case. Step Away from the Screen and Make Something. On my screen. Irony!!
So, once upon a time I had babies. Little baby babies. Who had teddy bears, and rocking horses, and all the baby trappings of babydom. Before these babies were born, someone gave me a clock. The clock below. A very baby nursery clock, which we put in the babies’ nursery. Since that’s where the baby things went. Over the years, weirdly, the babies have been growing up. And now there’s pretty much nothing left in our house that resembles anything that this clock represents. Not even in their room (they actually asked me to take this clock out of their…
Hey kids! Not sure if you noticed or not, but I haven’t been here in a while. My 365 project got derailed a little bit. First it was because I was busy. Then it was because I was actually spending a lot more time away from my screen. Then I got busy again, and somewhere along the way, I decided to let myself off the hook and pick it back up when I had the wherewithal. Or not. We’ll see. Meanwhile… I thought it might be time for another story about something I stepped away from the screen and made….
Okay friends. I’ve been bombarding you with STEP AWAY FROM THE SCREEN for almost 2 months now — over fifty different designs — and I have yet to show you any of the things that I’ve done when I actually stepped away from the screen. Soooo, wanna see some? Oh good — I hoped you were going to say yes! I’ll start with my favorite so far. But first, some background: A few months ago my friend, and amazing photographer, Deborah Triplett had a dream. “It is my dream that for one day people remember that child within them that likes to play creatively…
Hi. I’m Laurie and I’m addicted to screens. But I’m not so naïve as to think I can live a life without them. So instead I have set out to change my relationship with screens. To make my time on the screen more mindful and less mindless. To spend less time curating and more time creating. To use screens more responsibly. I’ve done this by setting two goals for myself: I intend to MAKE something every month in 2013. A real thing. That you can touch. Or stand in front of. At least one thing per month. If I make more, then heck…