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Step Away from the Screen and Make Something

By photos, step away from the screen, thoughtsNo Comments

Hi. I’m Laurie and I’m addicted to screens. But I’m not so naïve as to think I can live a life without them. So instead I have set out to change my relationship with screens. To make my time on the screen more mindful and less mindless. To spend less time curating and more time creating. To use screens more responsibly. I’ve done this by setting two goals for myself: I intend to MAKE something every month in 2013. A real thing. That you can touch. Or stand in front of. At least one thing per month. If I make more, then heck…

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Twenty Twelve’s Got it Goin On

By food, house, thoughtsNo Comments

Well. Here we are again. The new year approaches. And quickly. It’s time for fresh starts. Renewed energy. High hopes. Our annual New Year’s Day bash (back after taking a reluctant year off). And most importantly: Collard Greens. And as my annual gift to you, the awesome people who live in my computer, I bring you once again my recipe for Collards, which, along with Black Eyed Peas and Pork (hog jowls, ham, bacon, whatever), are the law down here in the South. They’re supposed to bring you luck and fortune, which you can’t say you don’t want at least…

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It’s new. It’s old. It’s different. It’s the same!

By thoughtsNo Comments

So remember when I used to write in my writing blog? The one called UpsideUp? And then I changed UpsideUp to a design blog? That has a lot of pretty pictures but not a lot of writing? Yeah. That. Well now there’s this. LaurieSmithwick dot com. Aka, Not Only But Also. As in, Not Only is there all the stuff I do in my life, But Also there’s this blog. For the time being, it will serve as a place to find all those old UpsideUp posts that you have missed so terribly all these long, cold months (sarcasm font). And…

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The Waiting is the Hardest Part

By monkeys, rock the vote, thoughtsOne Comment

Welcome to the day we’ve all been waiting for! I hope you voted. And if you haven’t, there’s still time!! 2 whole hours still, even on the east coast. Stop reading now. Go vote! Then come back. We’ll wait. Here in NC we’re all very excited because we’re a battleground/toss-up state for the first time in, like, ever (or at least the first time in my ever). This is represented on projection maps with a color other than blue or red. Sometimes purple. Sometimes yellow. Sometimes light blue. Sometimes pink. We’re like a bag of Skittles. Aww, precious. Also, not…

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