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Please listen carefully as our menu has changed

By December 13, 2005December 22nd, 2005sites to see

How amazing is this, y’all ?!

Not that I’m ever going to remember to consult it, but I have to tip my hat to the guy for taking the time to create it in the first place.

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  • Connie says:

    And stay tuned for universal system updates coming to your favorite automated telephone prompter…

  • shellyf says:

    i feel a kindred spirit out there, even if they do change every single number…
    cannot tell you how many friends still thank me for the amazon customer service phone number i sent out a year ago….a little satisfaction, that’s all we’re looking for, right?
    btw: 1-800-201-7575

  • Laurie says:

    Yeah — that elusive Amazon contact number. Amazing they’re able to get away with having an “unlisted” number. Can you imagine doing business with a company like that?

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