Chookoloonks and Momster have started a tradition called Love Thursday in which I’ve decided to participate when I can remember to do so. A couple of weeks ago, I included my post about Bob’s and my anniversary (here). Today, I’m pleased to present to you Zoe and Lucy in love. With each other.
Best friends doesn’t even begin to scratch the outer coating of the surface. Consider for a moment this fact: for over 4 years they have spent almost every hour, minute and second together. Then consider this: In the <airquote> rules </airquote> of parenting, they tell you to keep toddler playdates short — an hour at the most. Ha! How about a 35,000 hour long playdate? And after it’s over, if you try to separate them, they spend all their time apart asking where the other is. Beguiling, eh?
But don’t get me wrong: they do fight. They’re 4 years old and they have to share almost everything they own, including their parents. But for the most part, and for the sake of Love Thursday, these pictures are what it’s all about.
How lucky am I?
oh my god, incredible pix.
those ‘jammies on the right look familiar…could they be…?
Very sweet.
My boys still don’t play together very well, but I’m hoping they will soon.
Oh, that’s beautiful!
How sweet. Love those smiles.
Precious love.
Those pictures make me want to giggle along with them. Beautiful.
Oh my god!! Could they be any more adorable! But the best is that you STOP for a moment to think and say this is really special and I’m going to enjoy it.
We all should do that more often in our lives.
thanks for returning the love, everyone.
isn’t Love Thursday great?!!
That last photo is so evocative. I can feel the belly laughs through through the computer.
Those are some really great shots. love it.
I love it. Great photos!
Yay, Zoe and Lucy pictures! They are really too awesome. I wish that I lived near you so I could babysit them. That would probably be the most fun thing imaginable. 😉
oh you knew I would totally adore these pictures, didn’t you?
happy love thrusday, thanks for sharing.
oh man — what a dream that would be erin. to have you babysit them!