Design Mom, overseer of all that is lovely at the intersection of Design and Motherhood, has graciously invited me to be the Guest Mom over at her place this week. Aren’t I the luckiest designer/mom/blogger ever??
You don’t have to answer. I totally know I am.
So come visit me over there this week. She’ll still be posting right alongside me, and if you don’t already know about her blog, I’d like you to. It will make you happy.
how very very very cool!!!
it’s amazing how things progress when you just keep at it, huh? like Woody Allen once said, “90% of success is showing up.” of course, it doesn’t hurt to be as mega-talented as you are AFTER you show up. CONGRATS!
Two of my favorites in one spot! Lucky lucky me.
I have been a friend of Design Mom for a while and I have been reading you for awhile too. Figures that eventually everyone cool ends up on Design Mom!!
I love your blog and your style and your red headed kids. I always wanted kids with red hair. I prayed for red hair. No dice. Not even close:-) Can’t wait to read you this week.
The lamppost illustration is my favorite thing today. So cool.
Can’t wait to see your posts this week!