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Stretched to the limit

By July 5, 2006July 23rd, 2006moving

So we’re at t-minus one week and counting. Our house closes on July 12 and we close on the new house in Charlotte on July 13. We’ve packed a lot and there’s still much to pack. I can’t find one of the library books we still have checked out. I missed the girls’ dentist appt on Monday because I thought the card read 7/30 (which is a Sunday) and not 7/03. I need to schedule the turn-off for all our utilities here and the turn-on for the utes there. I need to change our phone numbers. I need to get our homeowner’s insurance worked out. I need to call the Mortgage broker back to figure out what kind of loan we’re getting. We can’t decide if we’re going to sell my grandmother’s old desk and down-low bureau that isn’t fancy, but was my grandmother’s. We want to take a load of stuff to Charlotte including the 48×48″ glass tabletop we use for a dining table, but it doesn’t fit in our car with the seats up, and if I go, I’d be taking the girls, and I can’t rent a Uhaul trailer for it because I’d be driving my dad’s Ford Explorer and UHaul won’t hitch their trailers to Ford Explorers. We’re trying to have a yard sale this weekend. The girls have a birthday party on Saturday afternoon and we have a going away party on Saturday night. In between I’m taking the girls to Charlotte where they will stay with my parents until we move into the new house. Our closing in Durham is scheduled for 2pm so it may not be recorded until the next day, which is supposed to be our closing day for the Charlotte house, at 9:00 am. If it doesn’t get recorded, we won’t have the $$ from the house sale in time to pay for the new house. The movers come July 11 (Bob’s and my 14 years together anniversary) but I haven’t chosen which movers we’re using from amongst the 4 companies who came and gave us estimates. The cleaning lady comes at 2pm on the 11th and the buyer’s final walk thru is at 4pm on the 11th. We found out that our fireplace and chimney are only appropriate for burning coal and we’ve been having fires since the day we moved in (when we burned all the tack boards that held 1800 sq feet of wall-to-wall carpet secure in the house). Could have burned the house down. So we’re paying half the cost for our buyer to install gas logs. Isn’t that nice of us? Would you like us to do that for you? Just give a call anytime, we’re dripping with goodwill money. I need to call Norma, the woman we bought the Durham house from to tell her we’re moving. I need to send all our lender information to our realtor. We need to drain the gas out of the lawnmower. I need to get rid of the food in the fridge. I need to decide what to do with the food in the pantry. I need to disassemble the unintentional collage wall in my office. And I need to restart my computer because I can’t eject a cd-rom. So, that’s it for today. If you don’t hear from me again, now you’ll know why. Wish us luck and send good strong “git er done” vibes.

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  • Erin Julian says:

    Lordy! Thanks for giving me a headache. :-p Good luck with all of that… don’t die or anything, then I couldn’t read your blog anymore. 😀

  • Mary says:

    Ok, I am not a believer in the “things could be worse” form of comforting, it never makes me feel better about anything!!! But as I was reading your horrific list of things to do I thought, I bet she would be wishing for this particular short-term hell if her house hadn’t sold yet!! As Merrill Streep says in a way that I can’t seem to imitate as much as I try “THAT’S ALL”

  • Gary says:

    Nice to-do list — bet that felt good to get it all out there. Best of “luck and all of my ‘get ‘er done” vibes are out there for you. No wonder you are getting rid of beer bottles!

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