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winter olympics

By photosNo Comments

Was perusing the UH-MAZING Olympics photos from’s Big Picture and I can’t stop staring at that one above. But go check them all out here and here — every one is pretty much incredible. Here are some of my favorites.

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haiti, one week later

By history, news, photos, save the worldOne Comment

Haiti remains a place of profound need, anguish, desperation and danger, with a few glimmers of hope and slowly growing capabilities to receive and distribute the international aid now flowing in. Sporadic looting, sometimes violent, was met with force by security officials and ordinary citizens, resulting in a number of further deaths and injuries. The tenuous security situation has led to at least one temporary evacuation of a medical facility, to protect the care-givers. Despite the long time since the earthquake, at least five people were pulled from the rubble alive this weekend, including a young girl trapped inside a…

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