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LEAP Design

Happy LEAP Day

By design, happy, list4 Comments

It’s February 29, y’all! LEAP Year! In honor of our special day, we at LEAP Design would like to give you a gift. Are you ready for it? It’s really big. Bigger than a Big Mac. Bigger than a Big Gulp. Bigger, even, than Big Ben. It’s big. You guys, it’s a day. A whole day. Your very own day to do WHATEVER YOU WANT with. So go. Put your phone down, get up from your computer, and go do something unexpected, something inspiring, something that you wouldn’t do on any normal Wednesday. Need some help? No sweat — we’ve…

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Twenty Twelve’s a Comin’

By design, foodNo Comments

Well. Here we are again. The new year approaches. And quickly. It’s time for fresh starts. Renewed energy. High hopes. Our annual New Year’s Day bash (back after taking a reluctant year off). And most importantly: Collard Greens. And as my annual gift to you, the awesome people who live in my computer, I bring you once again my recipe for Collards, which, along with Black Eyed Peas and Pork (hog jowls, ham, bacon, whatever), are the law down here in the South. They’re supposed to bring you luck and fortune, which you can’t say you don’t want at least…

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Beloved Street Art

By caught my eye, color, go outside, happy, photos6 Comments

This is making the rounds on Facebook right now — if you haven’t seen it yet, do yourself a favor and check it out. It’s a collection of amazing street art from 2011, curated by Street Art Utopia. Their site’s tagline is We declare the world as our canvas, which just makes me happy. And so grateful that these folks are out there forcing us to look at the world differently. Here are a few of my favorites, but really — go look at them all. You won’t be sorry. (Thanks for the link, Bo!)

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Interiors at Night

By color, photos2 Comments

Gorgeous new tumblr featuring interiors shot at night. Created by Lauren Schoonover from Champagne and Marshmallows. I would very much like to visit all of these rooms. She also has another tumblr: Exteriors at Night. Here’s one of my favorites: (Great find, Alisa!)

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iPhone 4S Case Roundup

By design, istuff, list11 Comments

If you know me in real life, you know I am in desperate need of a new phone. My iPhone 3G (yes, 3G, not 3GS) is over 3 years old, has a seriously cracked screen, and decides on a case-by-case basis whether it is or is not going to perform the tasks I ask of it. Needless to say, I was one of the first to login and pre-order the new iPhone 4S and I could not be more excited about it. To pass the time between the announcement of the new phones and the arrival of my new phone,…

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Branding 10,000 Lakes

By caught my eye, design, go outside

(click for bigger) Minnesota’s nickname, The Land of 10,000 Lakes, is no exaggeration: there are actually 11,842 lakes in the state. In fact, the name Minnesota comes from a Dakota word for “sky-tinted water.” So you can imagine what sort of undertaking it might be to create a logo for each and every lake in Minnesota. Yet Nicole Meyer is doing just that. And to showcase her work, she has launched Branding 10,000 Lakes. It looks like she’s done about 80 so far. And they’re all gorgeous, ranging from conceptual (like King Lake, above), to vintage (like Gull Lake, below), to just plain nice typography….

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Metropolitan Etiquette Authority

By caught my eye, clever, design8 Comments

Have you ever lived in Manhattan? I have. And as much as I loved it there, one of the things that can be challenging is the sheer number of people — and their habits — you have to interact with every time you walk around. The lack of courtesy you might encounter on a 2 minute walk to the deli is astounding. Well artist Jay Shells has launched a guerilla art project that addresses just that — street etiquette. The signs are now popping up all around Manhattan. In addition to the fantastic “Pay Attention While Walking” sign he had a…

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Clever Wrapping Paper

By clever, make somethingOne Comment

Check out this rad wrapping paper. Can you tell what it is? Isn’t that brilliant? Security envelopes! Not only does it look awesome, but it’s probably in your house right this minute. With more arriving any day now! Here’s the whole story, created by Charissa from The Gifted Blog (Found on Wantist.)

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Some Recent LEAP Work

By design3 Comments

I can’t believe I forgot to show you this work we just did. For two amazing Catherines and two amazing websites. First up: Closet of Style. Catherine Horgan came to us in desperate need of a new logo and a new website. What a treat it is to work with a client as stylish and savvy as Catherine — we loved the challenge of creating for her. For the logo, Catherine wanted something clever, colorful, and sophisticated. The mark we came up with makes a ligature out of the C and the S. They’re conjoined in a way that suggests…

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