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LEAP Design

A New Kirtsy

By announcing, design, kirtsyOne Comment

Super exciting news to share, y’all! Kirtsy relaunched yesterday! I’m one of the co-founders and we’ve been working hard for about 5 months (or 3 years, depending on how you want to look at it) to get a completely new site up. The old site was a great experiment in crowd-sourcing. But as the web has become more crowded, Kirtsy became less of a resource and more of a, how shall we say, crackhouse. For spammers. With the new Kirtsy we wanted to preserve what we loved about the old Kirtsy (finding great stuff online) and present it in a way…

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Revival Market

By announcing, design, retro vintage ephemera, save the worldNo Comments

  Friends. Texans. People who love food. I’m excited to show you something we made. It’s a logo and a website. For an amazing place: Revival Market. Revival is a locally-sourced grocer, butcher shop, coffee shop, and restaurant all wrapped up in one hip store that opened in March, in Houston. We had the great honor (and luck) of getting to design for these folks, and we couldn’t be happier with how it all turned out. Co-owners Ryan Pera (from Charlotte, y’all!) and Morgan Weber were the best kind of clients: smart, interested, opinionated and creative. No wonder the store is…

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I Am Not An Artist

By caught my eye, designNo Comments

I’ve spent the better part of this morning staring at and playing with this site. I Am Not An Artist is a big ole page of animated gifs, or, as it says on the site, “An Animated GIF Paranoia about Nonstop Design Workers.” Commissioned by ELISAVA School of Design in Barcelona, and designed by Soon in Tokyo, the base 56 animated gifs were directed by Johnny Kelly and Matthew Cooper. But the fun part is you can add your own animation to the tapestry with their handy, built-in, GIF Generator. Go have fun! I love it when someone takes “old technology”…

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Should I Work For Free?

By design, infographics3 Comments

Having a hard time deciding if you should do that project for free? Now you can consult this extremely handy flowchart from the oh so great Jessica Hische. When I first visited I thought it was just going to be another well-designed, funny infographic. Which would have been great too. But as it turns out, it’s actually really helpful. Much to my surprise, Jessica agrees that there are times you should work for free. And the chart explains exactly when and why. Very smart. Check it out here. (Thanks for the heads up, Liquid Treat.)

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Superhero Taxonomy

By clever, design, infographicsNo Comments

The Illustrious Omnibus of Superpowers, created by Pop Chart Labs. A super handy taxonomy for all types of superhero powers. Can’t remember who can Envelope body in Fiery Plasma? Just use their handy magnify tool to find out. Plus, it’s gorgeously designed with vintage muted colors and retro science lab shapes. A great gift for your favorite superhero lover. Or anyone who loves charts. (Thanks for the tip

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Indie Ferris Bueller

By clever, video8 Comments

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off was the ultimate coming-of-age movie for us Gen-Xers. It portrayed rebellion, soul-searching and fear of the future in a witty, charming and slapsticky package. And it even had Charlie Sheen winning way before Charlie Sheen was winning. If it came out today, instead of 1986, how would it fare against the sea of sensitive, coming-of-age, navel-gazing movies? This fantastic “new” trailer, recut by UK filmmaker Joseph Brett, makes me think it would do just fine. Here’s the YouTube link if you can’t see the video below. (Thanks Holiday Matinee!)

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Chocolate Avocado Cupcakes with Avocado Buttercream Frosting

By food6 Comments

I had to include the entire name in my post title up there because I cannot get it out of my head. And I’m not even much of a sweets person. Which is probably why I’m so excited about these — because I am very much of an avocado person. And also a chartreuse person. And also a cupcakes with not too much icing on them person. Also I love the word Buttercream. It’s on my desert island list of words. As if all that weren’t enough for me to tell you about these intriguing cupcakes, get this: the idea…

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Sign of the Times

By announcing, design5 Comments

Well folks. It’s official. We have been in our LEAP office for a full year now, so we decided “what the heck, let’s put some signs up!” There are many advantages to being tucked away in our sweet, squat little 1950s building, but we think our clients (and more importantly, our potential clients) will appreciate us making it a little easier to find our office. What can I say, we’re givers. So now you have no excuse not to visit us. And as soon as the Diamond reopens across the street, just give us a shout as you’re pulling in…

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Looseleaf Tees

By clever, wearable2 Comments

I’m loving these notebook paper inspired t-shirts from E for Effort (a collaboration between cool Brooklyn artists Beka Goedde and Rachel Ostrow) and Artware Editions. Each one is hand silkscreened, although I’m afraid that once I had one, I’d been tempted to get a sharpie out and write a note to my BFF during study hall. On the other hand, that might not be a bad thing. Available for kids, grownups and even tiny kids. And, just in case your house isn’t already overrun by cool tote bags, there’s one of those too. Check them all out and get one here. Thanks…

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