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freak animals

By caught my eye, typographyNo Comments

I was looking for dog pictures the other day and wandered over to DaFont, my favorite free font website. Found the dogs I needed, and also found this: Freak Animals dingbat font. How fantastic are these? Wouldn’t they look great printed large and framed in a group? Created by the apparently awesome Rodrigo German.

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vintage records

By kids, retro vintage ephemeraOne Comment

Wow wow wow. Just, wow. Moddern Kiddo has a phenomenal post up today with about a million vintage kids’ record covers. If I weren’t careful, I’d end up posting every one of them here for you to see. But instead go over there and check em all out. I’m always a sucker for the drawn-on-a-napkin, bleedy technique above. And the red title on the pink background? With the fox’s purple hat? Is fantastic. And the panels in this one. With the crazy color palette. Red, moss green, yellow, flesh and navy? Are you kidding me? I can barely stop staring at…

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color career counselor

By color, thought provoking13 Comments

Found this amazing quiz over at How About Orange today. It is utter witchcraft, I tell you. You pick the colors you like (and don’t like), and it tells you what career you should have. And it works! So much so that it completely picked up on my inner Aries/Taurus chaos by suggesting that I am first a Creator and second an Organizer. (Hello Right Brain? Meet Left Brain. Now be friends.) What should you be when you grow up? Take the test and let me know! PS. It doesn’t appear to like Safari, but Firefox worked great. (Thanks Jessica!)

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cutout billboard

By advertising, clever, color4 Comments

Amazing billboard created by Leo Burnett for Koleston Naturals hair color. Strategically placed against a beautiful (and natural) sea/sky backdrop, the die-cut hair changes color throughout the day. Brilliant. It would be fun to think of other settings that would provide unique results for a campaign like this. Like against a giant, healthy Sugar Maple that dramatically changes colors throughout the year. What else? (Thanks Keith.)

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paper pot

By caught my eye, clever, design3 Comments

Just spotted the best looking tissue box I’ve ever seen. Actually, probably the only good looking tissue box I’ve ever seen. But regardless of its lack of competition, isn’t it fabulous? It even comes in colors! I would take that shiny blue one and put it in an all white bathroom and be happy as a clam. (Found at the always dependable MollaSpace)

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m pete inc

By designNo Comments

We just launched a new website that we’re extremely proud of and I thought I’d share it with you. Our good friends over at M Pete Inc. were looking to establish their first online presence and we were thrilled to be able to help. Their Design + Build work is clean, modern and smart, and they wanted their website to reflect this. They already had the circle logo, so we decided that more circles could only be a good thing, right? Check out the full site here.

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