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sharon dowell

By art, colorNo Comments

I’m obsessing over these paintings by Sharon Dowell. Love the colors. Love the layers. Love the perspective. Love. And she’s from Charlotte! Rad. See more of her stuff here. (Thanks Susan!)

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muses: lisa albrecht

By design, happy, muses, save the world6 Comments

Way back in 2008 I met someone who changed my life for the better. Kirtsy was throwing a party with Guy Kawasaki, at his house. We had spent the past 3 days toiling in the sun, stuffing swag bags, arranging tables, organizing shuttles and managing preparations for a party that was as grand as any of our weddings. Finally we all disappeared into the hidden corners of Guy’s house to change into our party clothes. The transformation when we all emerged was glorious. Everyone was sun-kissed, flushed with excitement and beautiful. As we walked around reveling in our creation, I…

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the rules of a gentleman

By clever, design, sites to see, thought provoking3 Comments

Speaking as a lady (by genetics if not by behavior), I have to admit that I honestly appreciate a kind show of Gentlemanliness. Not that I need men to fall all over themselves fawning over me, but a door opened, nonchalantly but purposefully? Truly lovely. So when I stumbled today upon The Rules of a Gentleman, I was instantly charmed. One tip per day. So minimal. So well-designed with classic, old newspaper typography and styles. And so well written, straightforward, with a funny aside for each one. Enchanting. Please share with all the Gentlemen you know. And for what it’s…

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calling all web developers!

By announcingOne Comment

LEAP Design is seeking experienced VB.Net developers for freelance projects in Charlotte, NC. Please, no third parties or agencies. Experience with the following technologies is essential: ASP.Net — VB or C# — Web Forms — AJAX Toolkit — VS 2008 and VS 2005 SQL 2005 and 2000 jQuery Experience with the following could increase opportunities: ASP.Net — MVC framework — NHibernate — Web Services php MySQL Drupal WordPress Work would be project-priced or hourly. At this point there are no plans to convert position to full-time. Are you perfect for the job? Then by all means, contact us immediately! Do you know someone…

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winter olympics

By photosNo Comments

Was perusing the UH-MAZING Olympics photos from’s Big Picture and I can’t stop staring at that one above. But go check them all out here and here — every one is pretty much incredible. Here are some of my favorites.

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shrinky dink valentines

By design, make something, monkeys2 Comments

When you’ve got that creative, um, inclination and you’ve got Elementary School aged kids, Valentines day can be a bit of a double-edged sword. Oh the possibilities! But oh, the work to get them all made for every kid in each of your kids’ classes. This year we went Shrinky Dinks. 54 of them. Zoe and Lucy decided we would make hearts for the girls and stars for the boys. We punched holes in them all. Then added some beaded chain. Lucy and Zoe love hanging things on their book bags, and they had that in mind as we created these….

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