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milk punch

Lucky Number 13

By design, food, happy3 Comments

  Ladies and Gentlemen. The future. It’s coming! Once again, we’re in the lucky position of being able to make a fresh start with a brand spankin’ new year. 365 whole days to do it all right this time. Clean slate. Tabula Rasa. Square One. Woo! And how do we celebrate? That’s right, friends — say it with me — with Collard Greens! And what kind of friend would I be if I left you hangin without a great recipe for Collards? No kind of friend. So here it is: The best collards recipe ever. Seriously — people who swear…

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milk punch

By foodNo Comments

Happy new decade everyone. Hope yours has been launched, as mine has, with gusto! As I mentioned in the previous post, we host a New Year’s Day gathering every year that has grown and morphed into a true extravaganza. This year we had 180 people glide through our humble home and I hope we helped each and every one of them get their new year started off right. To do this, we provide a few menu items that we believe cinch the deal: – Collards of Deliciousness – Not Blah Black Eyed Peas – Milk Punch (milk punch image from…

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