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The site formerly known as sk*rt

By May 1, 2008August 1st, 2008kirtsy

Sk*rt is over. Yesterday. Old News.

No, we’re not shutting it down, even though that’s what some people might like.

Just the opposite. We’re aiming for bigger and better, starting fresh, onward and upward. A fabulous new name. With less hyphen!

And in true sk*rt fashion, we’ve decided to do it with a great big contest — The What’s in a Name contest — and turn the naming decision over to our clever readers (which hopefully includes you!). And y’all — the prizes are big. A fancy new cord-free/hands-free phone. A Magic Bullet blender/food processor. And a free BlogHer Registration. That’s over $700 worth of stuff. Just for helping us find a new name.

Entering the contest is super easy. Just leave a comment at the sk*rt blog or over here, at this sk*rt post letting us know what your favorite choice is from the list of new names — or you can even suggest your own. We like this option since all the brainstorming has left us a little brain-dead. Surely you can come up with something AMAZING.

Enter as often as you’d like. But you’ve got to do it fast. Because the contest ends this Friday. As in tomorrow. Sorry to be letting you know a little late. But you’ve got almost 48 hours left, and I know you work best with a deadline.

Thanks friends!
xo, L

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