There’s a nice piece about JJ Redick in the Sporting News today. Duke fans, go hither and read.
JJ, as you may know, is Duke’s current Most Hated Player, which puts him in possession of a crown previously worn by Danny Ferry, Christian Laettner, Bobby Hurley and Wojo (and apparently already being shined up real nice for Greg Paulus). Do any other schools have a history of “Most Hated Players?” If everyone hates Duke so much, why do they put so much energy into things like loathing specific players? This is one of the reasons it’s fun to be a Duke fan: you get to watch everyone else run around year after year explaining with so many words and so many cited examples why Duke doesn’t deserve to be “Duke.”
“They’re just rich, white, private school brats.”
“Coach K bullies the officials into never calling fouls on Duke.”
“They’re so smug dancing around in their fancy black uniforms.”
Hello? Jealousy much? Are we in junior high?
“What a bitch — she got a red BMW for her 16th birthday” moans the one driving her father’s Oldsmobile.
“He’s only dating her because she’s got big boobs,” mutters the chick with the flat chest.
“Oh my god — she’s so tan I hate her,” exclaims the freckly redhead.
Anyway, it’s just basketball, right?
duke is gay. nobody with a right mind likes duke. duke sucks