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Happy new year

Twenty Twelve’s a Comin’

By design, foodNo Comments

Well. Here we are again. The new year approaches. And quickly. It’s time for fresh starts. Renewed energy. High hopes. Our annual New Year’s Day bash (back after taking a reluctant year off). And most importantly: Collard Greens. And as my annual gift to you, the awesome people who live in my computer, I bring you once again my recipe for Collards, which, along with Black Eyed Peas and Pork (hog jowls, ham, bacon, whatever), are the law down here in the South. They’re supposed to bring you luck and fortune, which you can’t say you don’t want at least…

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This Year Goes to Eleven

By foodNo Comments

It’s a wrap, y’all. Adios 2010, hello 2011. Here in UpsideUp land, we’re usually getting ready for our annual New Year’s bash, but this year we’ve got the plague and are looking instead at ringing this one in with a string of movies. One thing’s for sure, though, we will still be making collards and black eyed peas. I’m even looking forward to seeing how the recipe works for 4 people as opposed to  the 180 I usually cook for! And as my annual gift to you, the awesome people who live in my computer, I bring you once again…

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