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500 colored pencils

By color, design, happy, tools and resourcesOne Comment

Oh wow. 500 colored pencils. Delivered to you, in groups of 25, over the course of 20 months. And bonus — they all have gorgeously evocative names, like “Drizzly Afternoon,” and “Tea with Milk,” and “Lemon Ghost.” Lemon Ghost, people. Don’t you just want to lick that? Oh, and double bonus, they also have display cases that turn your collection into an art installation in its own right: Brought to you by the fine folks at Social Designer. See the whole set here. (Thanks Liquid Treat.)

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2010 ftw!

By food, happy4 Comments

Well here we are. The O’s or the Aughts or the Two Thousands or whatever we’re calling them are a wrap and will soon have an identity like the grunge 90s or the new wave 80s or the disco 70s. Here in UpsideUp land, we’re gearing up for our annual New Year’s Day bash — an all-day affair filled with friends, family and food. And lots of it. It’s a thrilling way to ring in each new year and it gives me an opportunity to marvel at how lucky I am to be surrounded by such awesome people. As my…

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