My friend Aimee Greeblemonkey told me today was National Delurking Day. This means that you — the person reading but not commenting on my many, witty, interesting posts — need to let me know you’re out there and say hi.
And since Aimee went to all the trouble to create that creepy flasher guy graphic above, I think it’s the least you could do to honor her (and Rude Cactus) and participate, right?
The thing is, although I love writing and finding cool things to share with you even if you just look and read and move on, it sure helps, once in a while, to know you’re out there. Plus, it helps me when I write to be able to picture the person reading. So I find myself “talking” to specific people when I write certain posts.
So do it! Delurk! Let me know you’re there. And maybe I’ll write my next post specifically to YOU! Lucky dog.
Hai hai Leap Design! Love your stuff 😀
Dora B.
ps: totally digging creepy dude’s jaunty hat
Hai! I’m here. I’m delurking. And chuckling.
I’m always here! 😉
You’re right – I’m always reading but I seldom comment. Hi there!
I’m here. You’re in my google reader 🙂
I’m here Laurie, Gwen’s mom-in-law! Trying to keep up with all you sweet ladies!
Happy Belated Delurker Day ; )
You’ve been in my reader for as long as I’ve had a reader. I’m not going anywhere.
Delurking. 🙂 We met in the van from the Chicago airport to the Sheraton for Blogher. I was the one yammering on the phone for half the ride like a jackass.