Which is actually kinda true. I mean, I’m not opposed to government in and of itself, but the process by which we arrive at government? Not for me. Too much senseless arguing and too many “oh if only” statements and not enough actual power for the people. But I digress.
Wanna know who told me I don’t like politics? A website. And not just any website. Not one of those silly personality quizzes, no no. This is a website with pictures. Of cats and tractors. And Fred Flintstone. And uh trees and stuff. You click on pictures and then there’s this brain at the bottom. And when the brain turns pink and starts glowing, they tell you things about yourself. And lemme be the [probably not] first to tell you — it’s pretty darn accurate. They know I like spicy food, they know I watch more tv than I would like to, they know I’m sorta a know-it-all, and they even know that I stay up way past my bedtime just to tell you about godknowswhat.
Here, see for yourself. It’s called likebetter because they wanna know which you like better: this man with the tigers sleeping at his feet or these pretty fireworks.
What are some things you like?
I dunno, Loretta. I played it for a while and they only got about 60% of things right about me. I like politics but they never asked about that! However I am dying to know what the heck their methodology is.
It told me that I live in a single family home and prefer boxers to briefs.
Both are true.
I’m going back.
This is so wonderfully addictive. Can’t. step. away. from. the. likebetter. And it seems I like beer more than running a marathon. Who could have guessed that?
Watch out, the brain has told me more than once now that, if given the opportunity, I would lead a cult.
so cool!!!!! 100% right so far…