Okay, this is a crazy one y’all. I know you probably don’t have time this morning to watch this, but I just stumbled upon the entire movie of The Breakfast Club. The whole thing. All 1:37:07 of it.
So later, when you take your lunch break. Or when you kid goes to take a nap. Or when you’re tired of working on that thing you’ve been working on all day. You can watch it here at Upside Up.
I was hoping to provide you with some choice quotes to get you revved up, but the thing is, I would really need to quote the entire freakin movie (which I think maybe I could do — just recite the whole movie to you from start to finish). This was, at the time and for a long time after that, my absolute favorite. movie. period. I think I saw it 10 times in the movie theater. And I scored the movie poster from the theater after it was gone. (A total coup in the days before movieposters.com and etc.) Of all the brat pack movies, this was the ultimate — the best written, the most honest, the least contrived and the most original. And when I watch it now I can’t help but feel grateful that John Hughes made this documentary of my high school years. Just like Brian writes in his essay at the end, I was absolutely an amalgam of all the parts: a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. And seeing us all represented here, well it just warms my heart with with a hug of recognition.
Oh. And also. I was completely and utterly in love with Judd Nelson thanks to this role. I liked him in St. Elmo’s Fire too, but Breakfast Club was like yumm. And then he vanished! Until Suddenly Susan. Although by then I was married to my own yummy man.
But I digress.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am so very pleased with the internets to be able to present to you, uncut and uninterrupted, The Breakfast Club. And if you want to skip directly to the ruckus-to-weed scene, it’s at 52:55. And the dance scene is at 1:26:11.
Hey, thanks for posting! I never saw it and never understood the concept because my high school just had princesses whose rich fathers DID get them off the hook every time. I just watched the first five minutes but had to turn it off because I found the “jerk” character to be too annoying. If I were in the room I would have tattled on him so that he would be moved to isolation. I like the geeky guy, though. He’s cute 🙂
Unbelievable!! I’m in high school again!!!
(Um, actually I’m at work and I can’t watch the movie or I’ll totally get fired but HEY it’s cool that you found it and I can watch it later on your blog!!!)
I think the amalgamation theory is why I like Desperate Housewives.