Really, Laurie, it’s much better to wait for a hurricane or an ice storm. This really helps. There’s none of the planning. You don’t have to empty your freezer of all that stuff and find a new place for it. Instead, you wait for it to be a pond of refuse and just throw it all out. Or better yet, wait for your toddler to turn off the freezer (he can do this because the dial is conveniently located NEAR THE FLOOR ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE FREEZER). Then proceed as above.
Really, Laurie, it’s much better to wait for a hurricane or an ice storm. This really helps. There’s none of the planning. You don’t have to empty your freezer of all that stuff and find a new place for it. Instead, you wait for it to be a pond of refuse and just throw it all out. Or better yet, wait for your toddler to turn off the freezer (he can do this because the dial is conveniently located NEAR THE FLOOR ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE FREEZER). Then proceed as above.