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What’s happenin hot stuff

By September 19, 2007sites to see

The internets are full of awards for bloggers. Because we all need to know that we’re loved. It helps with all the aloneliness (as Zoe would say) and it helps fill the writing vacuum with voices.

That said, I haven’t received any sort of major award, other than your bountiful commentary — which I love, of course. Every morsel. Even your spam.

I’ve always been okay with it — after all, I’m not here for the accolades, I’m mostly here just to hear myself talk, and let you in on it. But I have to admit to being delighted when I received a comment on my post about Lucy’s tantrum solution that the awesome GNM Parents (Grasshopper New Media) thought I was a hottie.

Do you think I’m hhotttt?
Well shucks, then. Whyn’tcha go tell em!

Thanks friends.

And if I win, I promise not to touch my butt and say “Ooh burn jack sizzle.”

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