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Love Thursday: Who’s the lucky one?

By November 2, 2006November 12th, 2016house, love thursday, photos

Once upon a time we lived in Durham. We had a large living room and we added built-in bookshelves with plenty of space for books and picture frames and “objets.” (Pron: Ob-jay. It’s French you know. For knick-knacks.) Then we moved to Charlotte. We now have an even larger living room, but we have no bookshelves, and no space for books and picture frames and objets. So one day my husband, the man who has been making my heart lurch for 14 years now, drew a picture of some boxes. He took that picture to the Home Depot and bought some wood. He brought that wood home and cut it into pieces. He took those pieces and put them together to make boxes. He took those boxes and he painted them. Then he took the painted boxes and put them on the wall in our living room. And wala! We now have a place for books and picture frames and objets.

Look at them! Aren’t they amazing?! And my husband, the man who has been making the corners of my mouth turn upward for 14 years now, designed, built and hung them. Just, you know, because we needed a place for books and picture frames and objets.

And his birthday was this past Monday! So I have lots of reasons to share Bob with you this Love Thursday.

Happy Birthday sweetie. I love you, and your right brain, and your initiative, and your left brain, and your whole sweet self.

I’m the lucky one.

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