Have you ever wished you could silkscreen something onto fabric, but you don’t have a silkscreen setup? Freezer Paper Stencils to the rescue!
Well. Here we are again. The new year approaches. And quickly. It’s time for fresh starts. Renewed energy. High hopes. Our annual New Year’s Day bash (back after taking a reluctant year off). And most importantly: Collard Greens. And as my annual gift to you, the awesome people who live in my computer, I bring you once again my recipe for Collards, which, along with Black Eyed Peas and Pork (hog jowls, ham, bacon, whatever), are the law down here in the South. They’re supposed to bring you luck and fortune, which you can’t say you don’t want at least…
Happy happy everyone. Hope your days have been full-up with good stuff like gingerbread men, raffia, pine needles, chanukah candle wax, reindeer hoofprints, toys that have “off” buttons, friends from far away, family that makes you smile, ham, latkes, gooses, wine and all the trappings of whatever holidays you’re celebrating these days. We’re in the home stretch now, 2007 a mere 27 hours away and let me tell you, I’m ready. 2006 has been a lot. of. work. And I’m not one bit sad to see it move on into the history books. To celebrate a whole new year, we’ll…
Once upon a time we lived in Durham. We had a large living room and we added built-in bookshelves with plenty of space for books and picture frames and “objets.” (Pron: Ob-jay. It’s French you know. For knick-knacks.) Then we moved to Charlotte. We now have an even larger living room, but we have no bookshelves, and no space for books and picture frames and objets. So one day my husband, the man who has been making my heart lurch for 14 years now, drew a picture of some boxes. He took that picture to the Home Depot and bought…
So. Hi everyone. Um, how’s it going? Some weather we’ve been having, eh? Heh heh.Yeah. Well, uh, as you may have noticed, I’ve been a little off the radar while we’re trying to put our life back together in the aftermath of our house sale, house purchase and move to a new town that all took place in a 4 week period. I know there are crazier lives than mine. I know I’m a notoriously stressed-out mover. And I know that I have a tendency to whine about things that feel to me as though they might cause my head…
Have any of you been following Kyle MacDonald and his one red paperclip adventure? If not, here’s the quick rundown: July 12, 2005 he posted a picture of one red paperclip on his website and offered to trade it for anything. His goal was to keep trading upwardly until he got a house. One year, 14 trades and many tv and radio appearances later, he has done it. Check it out, y’all. The power of the internets + original idea. Meanwhile, we’re moving into our new house (the day after Kyle moves into his) on July 13. We didn’t have…
So we made an offer. Then they counter offered. Then we counter offered their counter offer. Then they counter offered our counter offer of their counter offer saying “this is the price it needs to be for us.” Then we counter offered their counter offer of our counter offer of their counter offer saying, “this is the price it needs to be for us.” Then. They came back to us with the number we really wanted all along. (O the love we have for our clever clever realtor.) As of today we will be under contract.
(The offer is on the table. It’s a good offer. We accepted it. We’re not under contract yet, but they are in the house right now taking pictures. Good signs, no? More when I can.)
Drumroll please… (Have I requested too many drumrolls lately? I feel like I’ve requested too many drumrolls lately. You would tell me, right?) Anyway. Drumroll, yadda yadda. I am pleased to announce: 206 Hammond Street, our beloved humble abode, is officially for sale. Anyone want to buy a really freakin great house? It’s a 1923 bungalow we renovated ourselves (with a lot of help from Steve), 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 office with its own separate entrance (or 4th bedroom. Do you need 4 bedrooms? We can accommodate! Got a teenager you don’t want crawling out a 2nd floor window…