Awesome. Found this in the New York Times today — an interactive map of Holden Caulfield’s journey through NYC. Roll over the different sites and find an excerpt from Catcher in the Rye describing each place. Check it out here. Thanks for the tour JD Salinger. And thanks for preserving that New York forever.
(Can’t see the video? Try this link.) Found this at the other day. Amazing acceptance speech from Wes Anderson, made in stop motion animation. Not only cool, but also appropriate: he was accepting the Special Filmmaking Achievement Award from the National Board of Review. Special filmmaking indeed. And I love the rabbit half offscreen. With her stripes and her neckerchief.
New, limited edition book, about Helvetica’s infiltration of the New York City subway system. Written by Paul Shaw. Including hundreds of photos, along with reproductions of pages from various MTA and NYCTA signage manuals. Oh, I’m sorry — was that me drooling? Goodness, how embarrassing. I lived in New York for 6 years, and I return every year at least twice, and to count the number of photos I have taken down in the subway would be impossible. I am obsessed with its haphazard permanence, its raw, often accidental beauty, and its consistent inconsistency. I can’t wait to hold this…
Utterly, breathtakingly brilliant. (Originally found via ReflectionOf.Me. Linked here from Ads of the World.)
Loving this new camera bag from Photojojo. It’s almost as perfect as they come except it doesn’t have room for a laptop, darnit. That’s my number one need — camera + laptop in one. For to take on trips when I need both + lenses. That isn’t so large it tips me over backward. But if I were just buying a new camera bag, this is definitely the one I’d buy. Get it here.
Oh wow. 500 colored pencils. Delivered to you, in groups of 25, over the course of 20 months. And bonus — they all have gorgeously evocative names, like “Drizzly Afternoon,” and “Tea with Milk,” and “Lemon Ghost.” Lemon Ghost, people. Don’t you just want to lick that? Oh, and double bonus, they also have display cases that turn your collection into an art installation in its own right: Brought to you by the fine folks at Social Designer. See the whole set here. (Thanks Liquid Treat.)