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retro vintage ephemera

Colorized History

By color, design, photos, retro vintage ephemera7 Comments

I just discovered this treasure trove of colorized photos from the past, and I have spent the better part of today looking at the photos there. Many (most?) of them were done by two artists: Mads Madsen, from Denmark, and  British artist Jordan Lloyd. Here are a few to whet your appetite. But do yourself a favor and check them all out. Click the images to see them larger.

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Old New York

By history, photos, retro vintage ephemera2 Comments

Oh my heavens. Hundreds of gorgeous photos of old New York. Shots you’ve never seen before. Like the one above of painters on the Brooklyn Bridge. With no safety harnesses or anything! I could look at these all day. In fact, I just did. The New York City Municipal Archives has just released a database of over 870,000 photos from its collection of more than 2 million images of New York throughout the 20th century. Here are just a few of the great ones, curated by Alan Taylor from The Atlantic. (Click images to enlarge.) To see more (and there are SO MANY MORE),…

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Revival Market

By announcing, design, retro vintage ephemera, save the worldNo Comments

  Friends. Texans. People who love food. I’m excited to show you something we made. It’s a logo and a website. For an amazing place: Revival Market. Revival is a locally-sourced grocer, butcher shop, coffee shop, and restaurant all wrapped up in one hip store that opened in March, in Houston. We had the great honor (and luck) of getting to design for these folks, and we couldn’t be happier with how it all turned out. Co-owners Ryan Pera (from Charlotte, y’all!) and Morgan Weber were the best kind of clients: smart, interested, opinionated and creative. No wonder the store is…

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vintage records

By kids, retro vintage ephemeraOne Comment

Wow wow wow. Just, wow. Moddern Kiddo has a phenomenal post up today with about a million vintage kids’ record covers. If I weren’t careful, I’d end up posting every one of them here for you to see. But instead go over there and check em all out. I’m always a sucker for the drawn-on-a-napkin, bleedy technique above. And the red title on the pink background? With the fox’s purple hat? Is fantastic. And the panels in this one. With the crazy color palette. Red, moss green, yellow, flesh and navy? Are you kidding me? I can barely stop staring at…

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mad men on the brain

By conferences, design, retro vintage ephemera, wearable8 Comments

Its February and you know what that means — Mom 2.0 Summit is coming! There are so many things at Mom 2.010 to be excited about that I can’t process it all, so I’ll take it step by step. Right now I’m spending time thinking about the Thursday night welcome party: Martinis, Music and Mad Men. What to wear? If you know me personally, you’ll know that clothes aren’t really my “thing.” I mean, I care what I wear, but I’d just as soon wear the t-shirt + jeans variation uniform every day if life would allow it (and mostly it does). But a…

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helvetica and the new york city subway system

By design, history, retro vintage ephemeraNo Comments

New, limited edition book, about Helvetica’s infiltration of the New York City subway system. Written by Paul Shaw. Including hundreds of photos, along with reproductions of pages from various MTA and NYCTA signage manuals. Oh, I’m sorry — was that me drooling? Goodness, how embarrassing. I lived in New York for 6 years, and I return every year at least twice, and to count the number of photos I have taken down in the subway would be impossible. I am obsessed with its haphazard permanence, its raw, often accidental beauty, and its consistent inconsistency. I can’t wait to hold this…

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By announcing, design, photos, retro vintage ephemera2 Comments

So I loved seeing the photos of all the cool CES gadgets flying around the internets all week. But this one made my jaw drop. Then I jumped out of my chair. New Polaroid cameras! That will work with Polaroid instant film! Have you heard of The Impossible Project? If not, go to that link and read. And be sure to click through the pictures and read the captions. It’s an amazing story about how Polaroid Instant Film is being resurrected. The film is supposed to be available in February. I assume the cameras will be ready to go then too?…

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