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Why I Eyes Ya

By August 21, 2008November 11th, 2016love thursday, monkeys, video

Coming up for air from my self-imposed/inadvertent blogging hiatus to make sure you have seen this video:

(Can’t see it? Click here.)

In case you’re wondering where my head is these days, it’s a little obsessed with this video.

Also, working too much. But that’s nothing new.

Also. Zoe and Lucy turned 6 on Tuesday. That’s old. They start first grade on Monday. Yow.

Also. 9 years ago today Bob and I had this awesome wedding thing in front of a lake in the NC mountains. I’m feeling grateful today that I get to spend my life with someone so funny and smart and sweet, and just so thoroughly good.

Okay. As you were. I miss you.

xo, L

Join the discussion 7 Comments

  • Adam says:


    And on behalf of your readers, we miss you, too.

    …all the live long day.

  • Erika Jurney says:

    Happy Anniversary 🙂

  • Betsy says:

    o my god that cat was funny.
    Hey I miss you too. Happy anniversary. I loved your wedding and I still have a great photo of all the gals gathered around you, the goddess of marriage. This was before we had kids and we could all still drink and stay up late! kisses to you.

  • ruth Cohen says:

    Thank Goodness, your baaaaaaack! I’m up to date concerning my great nieces, but I must say your warm fuzzy for Bob calls for a ditto
    for you.
    Hope you had a fun evening out.

    My best love to all the Smithwicks,
    Your best Aunt

  • Elham says:

    This might be a surprise! We think of you often in twinland….about a year ago, I realized that the refrigerator scene you described when you started your blog was upon us. We wish there were not so many miles between us. I bet our 4 girls together would rock the world. Happy Birthday to Zoe and Lucy and Happy Anniversary. Both magical days.

  • I LOVE that video. So awesome. Hope you are doing well!


  • Tate says:

    Hi Laurie!

    I have already seen it, but I have to say, that is probably the funniest video of all time. EVER. It is so funny.

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