My friend Aimee Greeblemonkey told me today was National Delurking Day. This means that you — the person reading but not commenting on my many, witty, interesting posts — need to let me know you’re out there and say hi. And since Aimee went to all the trouble to create that creepy flasher guy graphic above, I think it’s the least you could do to honor her (and Rude Cactus) and participate, right? The thing is, although I love writing and finding cool things to share with you even if you just look and read and move on, it sure helps,…
Found these on Kirtsy this week. Interesting, and sometimes beautiful, infographics related to Social Media. Form? Check. Function? Check. I love it when information is well designed. See more here.
I’m a little late, as usual, but I finally bought my tickets to the alt summit and I am so freakin excited! Have you looked at the speaker list lately? Holy cow it just goes on and on and on with awesome. And I’m lucky enough to be speaking too! Moderating, actually. A panel about designing online and its inherent challenges. Where do we even begin? The bloggers and designers and tastemakers that are coming to this conference kinda make my mouth hang open with awe, like the neighbor kid in The Incredibles watching Mr. Incredible pick up his car….
So I loved seeing the photos of all the cool CES gadgets flying around the internets all week. But this one made my jaw drop. Then I jumped out of my chair. New Polaroid cameras! That will work with Polaroid instant film! Have you heard of The Impossible Project? If not, go to that link and read. And be sure to click through the pictures and read the captions. It’s an amazing story about how Polaroid Instant Film is being resurrected. The film is supposed to be available in February. I assume the cameras will be ready to go then too?…
Oh wow. 500 colored pencils. Delivered to you, in groups of 25, over the course of 20 months. And bonus — they all have gorgeously evocative names, like “Drizzly Afternoon,” and “Tea with Milk,” and “Lemon Ghost.” Lemon Ghost, people. Don’t you just want to lick that? Oh, and double bonus, they also have display cases that turn your collection into an art installation in its own right: Brought to you by the fine folks at Social Designer. See the whole set here. (Thanks Liquid Treat.)
When we moved from Durham to Charlotte a few years ago, we purged our world of hundreds of cassettes that we had either obtained digitally or which we were pretty certain we wouldn’t listen to again. This pretty much left us with a big box of mix tapes that we don’t listen to but would never in a million years get rid of. And as much as I love the convenience and portability of digital music, I do miss tapes and the way they rattle around and slide clattery into a tape deck. But now, thanks to Urban Outfitters’ keen…
First of all, is this not the most adorable crab you’ve ever seen? It’s real, but doesn’t it look like a Webkinz? Or a gummy crab! I have a personal affinity for crabs, but even for you who don’t I’ll bet you’ll emit a little “aww.” This sweet thing was recently discovered off the coast of Taiwan. Secondly, it’s amazing to me that we are still discovering new species. I mean, I know about the Rainforest and everything, but still. It’s amazing.
Phillip Niemeyer has created a fantastic chart for the New York Times depicting trends of the past 10 years. The above is just a sample of highlights of the O’s, but the whole chart is an interesting walk down the memory lanes of our love, concerns, moods and fears. See the full chart here. (Thanks Crystal!) has curated a list of the top-10 magazine covers of 2009. There are some great ones, but this New Yorker cover by Chris Ware slapped me across the face when it came into my house a couple of months ago. Another New Yorker cover that wasn’t included in the list but that I haven’t been able to send to the recycling bin is this one that came out immediately after President Obama’s inauguration. It is titled “First,” and I think it is perfect. See them all here. (Thanks Guy)