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Before the fall

By monkeys, thoughts9 Comments

The other day, Lucy and I were walking to the library (how awesome is that — walking to the library. I love my neighborhood). The house on the corner had a hedge of volunteer mimosa trees growing en masse. Their feathery xylophone fronds called out to Lucy so we moved slowly past them, Lucy’s hand lightly grasping the wispy leaves as they grazed her fingers and then folded into themselves shyly. She wanted to take one with her, but each time she tugged, the leaves zipped off the stem leaving her with nothing but a handful of green confetti. Finally…

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From the suggestion box

By funny ha ha, monkeys, overheard9 Comments

Our children are both perfect angels. All the time. Except sometimes they’re, um, not. Lately, Lucy has been using some of her allotted “non-angel hours” to throw tantrums. And when I say tantrum, I don’t mean “I’m a two year old and I’m asserting my independence so I won’t let you put me in my car seat, I insist on getting in by myself” tantrums. I mean “I’m a five year old and I can hit, kick, scream, throw things with good aim and become inconsolably furious in 2.2 seconds if you dare to tell me that ‘no’ we’re not…

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Mad Scientists

By funny ha ha, monkeys, overheard6 Comments

Bob and I are sitting in the living room. Zoe and Lucy are back in their bathroom or somewhere near it. Suddenly we hear a crash and the girls laugh loudly. Lucy (running out of the bathroom): “Whoa!!! Now that was a experiment!!!” (She looks up and sees us.) “Mama. Me and Zoe are gonna need smocks!!!” + + + Illustration from one of our favorites, The Orange Book, by Richard McGuire.

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By monkeys, thoughts8 Comments

There’s been a lot going on here that has me wanting to write non-stop yet has also kept me from writing. So many things that I’m worried this post is going to just turn into a {yawn} list which is not what it is in my head. Plus, lots of the things that have been happening as a part of the cumulative “all of it” are actually things I want to tell you about on their own, not lumped in with other things. But I’m feeling myself unable to write any of it in a catch-22 sort of way. Should…

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Oh Lord I want to be in that number

By monkeys, video

This is yet another one of those “twin” things that I am constantly amazed by. Unplanned synchronicity. Lucy is working on her sticker book. Zoe, sitting nearby, is working on her sticker book. One of them starts singing. The other joins in. They continue for like 30 minutes or 42 hours, I’m not sure which. Together. Without looking up once, and with no discussion of any singing game plan. To sing. That’s the unspoken plan. In unison, in succession, loudly, quietly. Whatever — just sing. (Click here to view the movie at Vimeo.)

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By monkeys, thoughts2 Comments

Happy fourth everyone — the most eponymous holiday of the year! Our perfect summer day so far: Zoe and Lucy have been happily playing in the bathtub for almost an hour — I think all their stuffed animals are getting a bath. Bob has just finished mowing the lawn, and all our windows are open. I have just finished reorganizing my dresser, completing the purging of all non-summer clothes. Later, we’re going to the pool. Then we’re going to a cookout. Then, fireworks. Zoe and Lucy’s first ever. With Zoe and Lucy exhausted from camp each day, I’m not optimistic…

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1507 Miles

By monkeys, photos, thoughts6 Comments

At the beginning of June we took our annual trip driving up and down the East coast to Salisbury, Ct. Unlike all our previous trips it was summer. Bob’s parents live on a lake, and with this trip we were able to spend pretty much all of our time there. And like last year’s trip, I would call it a lovely success. Just lovely. Here are some pictures: Zoe and Lucy walking down to the lake, armed with wetsuits and bread for the fish. Lucy’s got a stick. Mount Everett, Mass. in the background. The place Bob grew up is…

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By monkeys10 Comments

Dear Zoe and Lucy, Tonight you graduated from Preschool. Gay-Gay and Pop, Uncle Mike and Aunt Brooke, Great Aunt Ruth, Papa and I sat on the second row and watched you and a sea of blue mortarboards file two-by-two into a room filled with teary-eyed, flash-popping grown-ups. At first you were uncertain, cautious. Then you saw us and your bursting smiles nearly split your faces in two, and you waved, sweetly, frantically, unable to believe that here we all were, watching you. At dinner beforehand, Lucy, just as we were sitting down, you turned to your grandfather, eager to make…

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The best wish ever

By funny ha ha, monkeys, overheard4 Comments

Saying goodnight to the girls last night, I offered my usual, “Goodnight girls. I love you. I hope you sleep like angels” sort of salutation. Lucy responded with what must have been the fondest thing she could wish for on my behalf: “Good night Mama. I hope it’s your birthday when you wake up tomorrow.”

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