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The Myth of Mommy Brain

By monkeys, thoughtsNo Comments

I just read this article which claims that motherhood, rather than rendering us incompetent, dull-witted and boring, instead makes mothers perceptive, efficient and even socially aware. Apparently women’s cognitive abilities expand within a few weeks of giving birth, thanks to an “estrogen bath” our brains receive during pregnancy. After studying rat mamas, they’ve determined that this flood of hormones enables us to smell poop and stalk prey much faster than virgin rats. All I have to say is try telling this to all those moms who are right now standing in the middle of the kitchen scratching their heads, trying…

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Shall we start an Upside Up movement?

By thoughts10 Comments

When Lucy and Zoe were learning about things like object orientation, Lucy showed me a book that she reported was first “upside down” and then “upside up.” It was a eureka moment for me. Think about it — there’s an up side and a down side. The up side is either up or down. When and why did the subjective word “right” get mixed in there? So, that’s where the title came from. Now, onward and upward. Lucky you — Bob just installed blogging software on my site so I figured it was time to see what it is all…

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