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Dirty Deed? Done! Cheap, but not dirt cheap.

By June 9, 2006house, moving, sites to see

Drumroll please…
(Have I requested too many drumrolls lately? I feel like I’ve requested too many drumrolls lately. You would tell me, right?)

Anyway. Drumroll, yadda yadda. I am pleased to announce:

206 Hammond Street, our beloved humble abode, is officially for sale.

Anyone want to buy a really freakin great house? It’s a 1923 bungalow we renovated ourselves (with a lot of help from Steve), 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 office with its own separate entrance (or 4th bedroom. Do you need 4 bedrooms? We can accommodate! Got a teenager you don’t want crawling out a 2nd floor window at night? Heck! Give him this room with its own private entrance!), 10 ft ceilings, hardwood floors, fabulous light-filled kitchen with black and white floor (classic!), laundry room (not laundry in the basement, people. Laundry room!), lovingly landscaped backyard with lots of stuff from my southern mom’s garden, humongous front porch with archetypally perfect porch swing, big ole oak tree in the front yard just begging for a tire swing, great neighbors and walking distance from the museum.

I’m telling you people — you want this house. You need this house.

At the very least please send us strong Sell Your Freakin House Quick! vibes. If you think I’ve been horrible company the past 2 months while we molded and prodded and, yes, spanked (but just a little) the house into the best shape of its life, you really won’t want to be around me in two months if the house is still ours.

I’m just sayin.

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