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“The Short Month to Crazy”

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I know you probably all already know about this blog but I just discovered it a few days ago (and don’t think I’m not giving you the hairy eyeball for not telling me about it sooner). Crazy Aunt Purl is one crazy purling aunt. And she’s as sharply funny as an Icelandic polka. And apparently she gives us all our Hor-O-Scopes every month. If you must know, I’m a Taurus (although I feel a strong kinship with Aries as well — hence the tattoo). My ‘scope was all about how I need to develop a personal motto, which I’m going…

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By funny ha ha, monkeys, overheardNo Comments

We’re on our way to Jen & Pete’s house for dinner, bringing two Green Tango salads as side dishes. Lucy is holding one and Zoe is holding the other and they’re talking about them. Suddenly it dawns on Lucy that she can talk about her favorite letter: “Yuh – Yuh – Yettuce. Mama! Yettuce starts with L !!”

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This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing. I’m not sure if I’m going to start using Flickr for all my photos or if I’ll keep updating Zoe and Lucy’s page, but one way or another I need to get my act together again with photos. I’ve been terribly slacko about it lately because I broke my laptop a few months ago — bent the screen too far back and ** crack! ** no more laptop screen. And I usually edited photos while sitting on the couch watching movies. Since I can’t lug my big G4…

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My Tooth

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The summer I was nine, my parents went to California for a week. Mike and I stayed at our cousins’ house — the Meltsners — which was the best possible outcome for “what to do with the kids” when my parents went out of town. Danny and Scott, who were 1.5 and 2.5 years older than me (still are), ran an insane ersatz amusement park household — insane even by 1978 standards. There was a pinball machine, a pool table, a swimming pool and a laundry chute. There was a long slippery marble entrance hall, perfect for sliding through in…

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Finally, a perfect use for those San Francisco hills

By sites to see3 Comments

Has everyone seen this commercial already? If not, stop reading and go watch it right now. (Then come back, please.) 250,000 sunlight-filled superballs bouncing in the streets of San Francisco. I don’t mind being one of the mindless masses who responds to this commercial the way I’m supposed to: It’s just incredible. Every time I’ve been to San Francisco I’ve wanted to send something rolling down the steepest hills. This commercial totally ups the ante. “Yeah I know you’ve always wanted to do this. Well we’re doing it times a quarter million!” What I would give to have been on…

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Happy Zoob

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When I was writing holiday cards, I occasionally said something along the lines of “Hope 2006 brings you all good things.” Thanks to my fancy hieroglyphic spin, Bob said my “2006” looked like it said “ZOOb.” For your special ZOOb wishes, I’m offering you my very favorite recipe for Collard Greens. Southern folklore (which we call “law” down here) has it that Greens, Black-Eyed Peas and Hog Jowls on New Year’s Day will bring good luck and fortune. Also note that a large quantity of greens is referred to as a mess o’ greens. Your mileage may vary. Finally, although…

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Happy Confluence Day

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So, not that it would have been all that big a deal when I was a kid, but never in my life have Christmas and the first night of Hanukkah both happened on the same day. It wouldn’t have made much difference when I was growing up since Hanukkah was a 1-hour long endeavor at night (albeit for 8 days), while Christmas effectively shut down the world and your friends were busy the whole day. I mean, I wasn’t even allowed to call them. My Aunt Brenda (whose birthday is Dec 26) always said it was like the world was…

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