Brilliant. Now you can turn your iphone into a mix tape. It even comes with its own plastic case (that doubles as a stand) so you can even make a snazzy magazine collage tape cover! Suddenly, you’re no longer listening to Broken Bells and Phoenix, but instead, Nirvana, with The Pixies on the flip side, natch. And wouldn’t this be a perfect desk-mate for your mix tape USB hub? You could be starting a retro-volution! Buy yours here. From Art at Heart. Thanks Adam.
How fun is this?! I wish I knew what he was saying, but I sorta like the unexpected aspect of not knowing what’s coming next. Do you have an iPad yet? I don’t, but I can’t lie — I’m seriously coveting one. I’m waiting for my 3 year-old MacBook to kick the bucket, though. The delete key doesn’t work — but in true Apple product form, nothing else is wrong with it. Dangit. I guess I’ll have to live vicariously through videos like this til I get my own. Have you found any other cool ones? Please share!
Best infographic ever. (From FlowingData – Data Underload) (Thanks Keith!)
Traveling around the web tonight, I found two different, unrelated, brilliant Frankenstein interpretations. I’m totally inspired by them both. Logo by Siah Design, found at LogoPond, a great source for logo design inspiration. Book cover by Julian Hansen, found at his portfolio site.
The Infinite USB — designed by Gonglue Jiang and winner of the iF Concept Award for 2010. Brilliant and beautiful. Can’t wait to get one and get rid of the ugly USB hub hiding sheepishly behind my computer. (Thanks Design Milk)
Amazing billboard created by Leo Burnett for Koleston Naturals hair color. Strategically placed against a beautiful (and natural) sea/sky backdrop, the die-cut hair changes color throughout the day. Brilliant. It would be fun to think of other settings that would provide unique results for a campaign like this. Like against a giant, healthy Sugar Maple that dramatically changes colors throughout the year. What else? (Thanks Keith.)
Just spotted the best looking tissue box I’ve ever seen. Actually, probably the only good looking tissue box I’ve ever seen. But regardless of its lack of competition, isn’t it fabulous? It even comes in colors! I would take that shiny blue one and put it in an all white bathroom and be happy as a clam. (Found at the always dependable MollaSpace)
Speaking as a lady (by genetics if not by behavior), I have to admit that I honestly appreciate a kind show of Gentlemanliness. Not that I need men to fall all over themselves fawning over me, but a door opened, nonchalantly but purposefully? Truly lovely. So when I stumbled today upon The Rules of a Gentleman, I was instantly charmed. One tip per day. So minimal. So well-designed with classic, old newspaper typography and styles. And so well written, straightforward, with a funny aside for each one. Enchanting. Please share with all the Gentlemen you know. And for what it’s…
(Can’t see the video? Try this link.) Found this at the other day. Amazing acceptance speech from Wes Anderson, made in stop motion animation. Not only cool, but also appropriate: he was accepting the Special Filmmaking Achievement Award from the National Board of Review. Special filmmaking indeed. And I love the rabbit half offscreen. With her stripes and her neckerchief.